Should You Remodel Your Bathroom Floors or Walls First?

When it comes to remodeling your bathroom, it's important to consider which part should be renovated first: floors or walls? Learn more about this topic from an expert's perspective.

Should You Remodel Your Bathroom Floors or Walls First?

When it comes to remodeling your bathroom, it's essential to think about the order in which you should do the work. The best way to get a successful outcome is to begin with the flooring. Installing tiles on the floor first guarantees that the wall tile will appear to be “sitting” on the bathroom floor. This is because the principle of tile installation is that the tile wall “hangs” above the tiled floor.

Flooring contractors usually prefer to have cabinets come in first so that there is less chance of the floor being scratched. Cabinet installers like the floor to be in place so that cuts and dust from the floor installation don't damage the vanity. The possibility of damage in any case has a lot to do with the type of floor being installed. Bathrooms are one of the areas in your home that usually need updates due to water damage caused by overzealous children playing in the bathtub or because a careless user spills water everywhere.

Water penetrates the floor and swells or deforms the floor covering. When remodeling, it's best to do the first thing. Remove and reinstall the toilet in the correct order, and the floor repair should go smoothly. Once the new floors are installed, furniture can be moved back and renovation of the house can be carried out more easily.

An experienced remodeler is very concerned about the current work, but won't forget that a future remodel could happen. In conclusion, there is no definite answer as to whether walls or floors should be renovated first. The general rule is to renew the part that takes a long time and is not easy to damage. Therefore, it's best to start with laying tiles on your bathroom floor.

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